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General Criteria for Applications

  1. Ph.D. holders
  2. The submitted scientific production must be published within the last two years (2023 - 2024).
  3. The submitted articles for evaluation must be published in indexed journals in Web of Science database (Clarivate) and having an Impact Factor.
  4. The total number of submitted published articles for evaluation is 10 articles published within the last two years and it is not allowed to submit more than 2 articles in the same journal.
  5. For winners, it is not allowed to apply before two years from gaining the award.
  6. All contributions and participations except scientific publications must be approved with certificates.
  7. All applications to the award must be submitted via the link and no applications will be accepted by e-mail or hard copy.

General Criteria for Evaluation

  • Total number of published articles.
  • Quality of scientific journals (JIF).
  • Order of applicant within authors.
  • Total number of authors.
  • Training courses and workshops attended by the applicant
  • The applicant’s contributions to community service.
  • Evaluation of the head of the department.
