Questionnaire Center

College of Sciences - King Saud University

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General Requirements

  1. The applicant must be a postgraduate student (Master’s - PhD) at the College of Science - King Saud University, or one of the graduates during the past year.
  2. The research submitted for evaluation must be extracted from the thesis and published after the date of registering the academic degree in journals classified within the Web of Science database and having an Impact Factor.
  3. The scientific production submitted must be published in the last three calendar years (2021 - 2022 - 2023).
  4. The total number of papers submitted for evaluation:
    • Publication quality branch (one research only)
    • Publishing abundance branch (maximum five research papers)
  5. Document all non-research contributions and participations with certificates
  6. No winner in previous years is eligible to apply for the award.
  7. If the student wins in more than one branch of the award, the student will be given only one award, and the priority will be given to the quality of scientific publishing, followed by the abundance of scientific publishing.
  8. Upload all participation files to the award’s electronic link.


Note: Please contact us for any enquiries at: